बोलपत्र पेश गर्नुपूर्वको बैठकबाट प्राप्त भएको सुझावलाई स्पष्ट पारिएको सम्बन्धी सूचना

4 years, 2 months ago | Published: Dec. 15, 2020, 12:28 p.m. | Views: 11212

कार्यालय: चलचित्र विकास बोर्ड
बोलपत्रको शीर्षकः Supply, Delivery, Installation and Testing & Commissioning of File Transfer and Storage Equipment and Accessories
बोलपत्र आह्वानको सूचना नंः FDB/077/78-01

चलचित्र विकास बोर्डबाट डिजिटल स्टोरेज सेटअपको कार्य गराउनुपर्ने भएकोले उपकरण आपूर्ति गरी जडान गर्ने कार्य सम्बन्धी मिति २०७७ मंसीर १२ गते अन्नपूर्ण पोष्ट राष्ट्रिय दैनिकमा प्रकाशित बोलपत्र आह्वान सम्बन्धी सूचना बमोजिम मिति २०७७ मंसीर २९ मा सम्पन्न बोलपत्र पेश गर्नुपूर्वको बैठकमा सम्भावित बोलपत्रदाताहरुबाट उठान गरिएका तपसील बमोजिमका विषयवस्तुहरुको सम्बन्धमा यस बोर्डको प्राविधिक परामर्शदाताले तयार पारेको प्रतिक्रिया सम्बन्धित सबैको लागि यसै सूचना मार्फत् जानकारी गराइएको व्यहोरा अनुरोध छ ।


Q1. Proxy video Generation: Is it through ‘Media Asset Management Software’? OR there any special provision should be included in the LTO Server itself?
Ans. The low resolution proxy video for preview should generate while archiving from MAM software.

Q2. Data Backup in USB HDD along with LTO tape: Do all the data that is going to LTO Tape is needed to be written on a USB Drive also? What about the size of the USB Drive?

Ans. The USB interface is for backup across multiple media devices such as USB flash drive, hard disc drive to backup database and proxy video (not original footage).

Q3. RJ-45 and Optical Connector support: What is the format (physical and software protocol) of the optical connector? Optical connector support: Minimum 1G or 10G or …. Please specify ????
Ans. UTP Cable for 10Gbase-T Ethernet (CAT 6A or CAT 7) CAT & cable is recommended.


Q4. 8TB Internal Storage to stores video and audio media of LTO-8 tapes? (Same as question no. 2)
Ans. 8TB internal storage in the LTO server to store database and proxy file data.


Q5. Auto Proxy Generation during video file archiving (Same as question no. 1)?
Ans. Yes, LTO server generate proxy video file while archiving from MAM software.


Q6. Equipped with partial retrieval function that extracts only the designed IN/OUT points: (Same as question no. 1)
Ans. Yes, LTO server must have such function that partial retrieval to extract required portion of video file on LTO tape as separate file.


Q7. 1 x VGA port: Why old VGA port? What if only DVI and/or HDMI port is available?
Ans. VGA port used for maintenance and basic configuration work. All these interfaces (VGA, DVI and HDMI) are acceptable.


Q8. The supplier must supply additional genuine AVCHD codec software which must be compatible with LTO server: This codec is software based. There are more powerful than this codec, i.e. H.264, H.265 etc, which can be run through GPU or other best options for smooth hassle free video conversion. Is it mandatory to supply only that codec or other latest best option could be approached?
Ans: AVCHD codec also the part of H.264 compression. Higher video codec also acceptable.


Q9. Archiving and retrieval content between storage and LTO Tapes: Is this the data transfer between LTO and the separate NAS or LTO and the internal drive?  
Ans. MAM software should manage video, proxy video file and metadata on database. Data Transfer between LTO and internal drive.


Q10. Connect to LTO Autoloader: There is no mention of Autoloader in the LTO server specification. Should there be the ‘Autoloader’ mechanism include in the LTO server or it is just to support the future expansion in the LTO Server?
Ans. It will be acceptable, if the bidder offers better features which is not mentioned in the specifications.


Q11. Bidder should manage all necessary tools and accessories to complete the installation: There is no mention about cables, connectors, power supply adapters, multiplugs, electrical wiring, tables, furniture, racks for server, rack for laptop etc. for the installation and final testing. It should be clearly specified on the bid specifications, so please clarify?
Ans.  Since this is a complete installation project, the supplier should provide necessary AV  cables, connectors, power supply adaptors such as power extension cable, multi plugs, electrical works  etc. as per required. The furniture is not included in it.


Q12. As server specification is not enough which lead us for the requirement of Tape library only. Please mention processor/RAM/Other Hardware components, if necessary? Please clarify?
Ans. Required Hardware specification already mentioned in specifications.


Q13. Is this MAM software need to be installed in laptop or somewhere else device?
Ans. MAM Software must include in the laptop.

Q14. Do we need to supply SFP connector? Power Cables, other connectors, racks for installation, wiring, furniture tables etc.
Ans. No need to supply SFP connector, Installation materials cable, connector, adapter, etc  is required to complete the project.

Q15. It is suggested to provide us with the Diagram, workflow chart and connection diagram for final installation? 
Ans. Supplier need to provide diagram, workflow chart and connection diagram, while bid submission.