/ Tikapur

PLACES NEARBY: | Lamki | Karnali River | Chisapani |




Car/Jeep         13 hour 30 minutes (690 kms)

Bus                 16 hours (690 kms)

Airplane         1 hour 10 minutes (Dhangadhi)

                        2 hours (90 kms to Tikapur from Dhangadhi)

Kailali's Tikapur is beautiful garden spread over 84 hectares where colourful flowers bloom among a lush landscape of herbs, trees and birds. Tikapur is located on the banks of the Karnali River.

The late King Mahendra was hunting in Suklaphanta when he suffered a heart attack. A personal doctor suggested resting on the Karnali coast. The King came to Tikapur and stayed here for 29 days and handled the administration of the kingdom from here. It is believed that the air at the park comes directly from Mansarovar of Tibet through the Karnali river, imbued with healing qualities. also built a house in the year 1970. The building is now called Mahendra Arogya Griha and is entirely made of wood.

The Tikapur Development Committee was formed in 1971. The government alloted 3133 bighas of land to Tikapur area where the forest was torn down and a park was built with human settlement. In Tikapur facilities like education, health, forest, slopes and transport are well planned.

There is a banana resort named Rani Mahal in Banana garden which has been built by Kalu Hamal. The resort boasts four dozen banana varieties ranging from banana momo to wine. 'Banana King' Hamal proved that such initiatives can be taken by the farmers as well and turn their piece of land into a resort.

The length of the river from Karnali Chisapani to Tikapur Park is 16 km. You can reach Tikapur by rafting. A boat takes four hours.

Best time to visit Tikapur is from mid October to mid June.


How to reach

      By bus: Kathmandu-Tikapur 690 km.

      By air: Kathmandu-Dhangadhi one hour 10 minutes. Dhangadhi-Tikapur is 90 km.



कैलालीको टीकापुर सुन्दर बगैंचा हो । त्यहाँ पार्क छ । पार्क ८४ हेक्टरमा फैलेको छ जहाँ रङविरङका पूmल फुल्छन् । त्यहाँ थरीथरीका वनस्पति, वृक्ष र चरा छन् । कर्णाली नदी किनारमा रहेको टीकापुर व्यवस्थित बसोबास गरिएको शहर हो । यसको विकास कथा राजा महेन्द्रसँग जोडिएको छ । एक दिन शुक्लाफाँटामा शिकार खेल्दाखेल्दै राजालाई मुटुको व्यथाले च्याप्यो । निजी चिकित्सकले कर्णाली किनारमा आराम गर्न सुझाए ।

राजा टीकापुर आए । त्यहीं २९ दिन बसेर राजकाज चलाए । त्यही बेला २०२७ सालमा त्यहाँ राजा बस्न भवन बनाइयो । त्यो भवनलाई महेन्द्र आरोग्य गृह भनिन्छ । काठबाट बनेको छ भवन । त्यहाँ वीरेन्द्र विश्राम वाटिका पनि छ ।

वि.सं. २०२८ सालमा टीकापुर विकास समिति गठन भयो । सरकारले टीकापुर क्षेत्रका ३,१३३ बिघा जग्गा समितिलाई दियो । त्यहीं वन फाँडेर पार्क बनाइयो । बस्ती बसालियो । टीकापुरमा जङ्गल फाँडेर शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, वन, ढल, यातायातका हिसाबले व्यवस्थित बस्ती बसालिएको थियो ।

टीकापुरमा केरा बगैंचामा कालु हमालले रानी महलनामक रिसोर्ट बनाएका छन् । यस रिसोर्टमा केराको ममदेखि वाइनसम्म चार दर्जन केराको परिकार पाइन्छ । बनाना किङहमालले तीन बिघाभन्दा बढी बगैंचालाई रिसोर्टको रूप दिएर किसानको बारी नै रिसोर्ट बन्न सक्छ भन्ने देखाएका छन् ।

कर्णाली चिसापानीदेखि टीकापुर पार्कसम्म नदीको लम्बाइ १६ किलोमिटर छ । राफ्टिङमा टीकापुर जान सकिन्छ । डुङ्गामा चार घण्टा लाग्छ ।

कात्तिकदेखि जेठसम्म टीकापुर घुम्ने उत्तम समय हो ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंटीकापुर ६९० कि.मि. छ । काठमाडौंबाट टीकापुरसम्म बस चल्छन् । पूर्वपश्चिम राजमार्गको लम्कीबाट १८ कि.मि.मा टीकापुर । अथवा काठमाडौंधनगढी १ घण्टा १० मिनेट हवाई उडानमा पुगिन्छ । धनगढीबाट टीकापुरको दूरी ९० कि.मि. छ ।
