Formation and Operation of the International Feature Film Selection Committee (Nepal) – IFFSCN

9 months, 3 weeks ago| Published: May 21, 2024, 8:48 p.m. | Views: 5052

Formation and Operation of the International Feature Film Selection Committee (Nepal) – IFFSCN

1. Formation of the IFFSCN

The Committee for International Feature Film Selection Committee (Nepal) – IFFSCN is responsible for facilitating and supporting the selection of films for the participation in prestigious international film festivals and awards.

2. Membership Profile & Composition of IFFSCN

i. Shall be a citizen of Nepal;

ii. Qualified and seasoned professionals with deep insights and keen understanding of national issues, priorities and goals;

iii. High connoisseurs of art and culture and refined members representing the best of Nepalese society in all aspects;

iv. Diverse and inclusive representation from various aspects of the film and related industry, including different genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

3. Tenure of Members

i. Members of the IFFSCN shall be appointed for a three-year term, and may be re-appointed for an additional of one term;

ii. After the completion of their term, IFFSCN may retain a select few members to foster institutional memory and ensure the continuity of the IFFSCN.

4. Resignation of Members

i. The members of the Committee may at any time resign by giving notice in writing to IFFSCN's secretariat;

ii. The resignation shall take effect from the date of acceptance of the notice to resign.

5. Removal

A Member of the committee shall be removed from the membership, if he or she has:

i. Become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a member;

ii. Been convicted of any offense that involves moral turpitude;

iii. Abused the position so as to render continuance in as member prejudicial to the public interest.

6. Vacancy

i. If he post of a Member of the Committee becomes vacant, it shall be filled as soon as practicable;

ii. A newly appointed Member of the Committee shall assume the position immediately after the term of office of the outgoing Member comes to an end.

7. Autonomy of the IFFSCN

The Government or any public or private entity, shall refrain from intervening, and from attempting to unduly influence, directly or indirectly, any process or decision of the Committee.

8. Meetings of the IFFSCN

i. The Committee shall meet as and when there is a need for the IFFSCN to review films for international awards.

ii. The meetings of the Committee shall be organized by IFFSCN and chaired by the Chairperson elected amongst the members.

iii. One official from IFFSCN shall act as the Member Secretary to the IFFSCN.

9. Roles and responsibilities of the IFFSCN

i. Formulate and endorse criteria for the selection of Nepalese films for prestigious international film festivals and awards;

ii. Review list of films eligible as per entries submitted whenever the need to review a film arises;

iii. Select the best entry from a list of qualifying films;

iv. Endorse and select a film as the official entry from Nepal for the prestigious international feature film award;

v. Provide recommendations for policy review and interventions on the representation of Nepalese films in the international arena.

10. Operation of the IFFSCN

i. Confidentiality: IFFSCN members shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding the films under consideration, discussions, and voting outcomes.

ii. Conflict of Interest: IFFSCN members shall declare any potential conflicts of interest, such as close-family relationships with filmmakers or financial interests in competing films.

iii. Voting Process: IFFSCN shall employ, after a thorough deliberation, a voting system where members rate or rank the eligible films based on the criteria adopted.

iv. Thresholds and Nominations: Films that receive a certain threshold of points from the IFFSCN members as per criteria may be nominated for the Oscars (Best International Feature Film).

v. Final Nomination: The nomination of the final film as the official entry will be announced publicly and will be submitted to the Academy for consideration.

For official correspondence and submission

Contact: +9779851146523
