/ Limi Valley

PLACES NEARBY: | Hilsa | Lapcha Border |




Car/Bus           10 hours (500 kms to Nepalgunj)

Airplane         1 hour (to Nepalgunj)
      55 minutes (
Nepalgunj to Simikot)

Walk               5 days to Limi Valley from Simikot


There are three villages in the Limi Valley of Upper Humla - Til (3,700 m), Halji (3,670 m) and Jang (4,070 m). These three villages are situated on the banks of the Karnali River.

 The ancient Monastery, Chaitya and Mane shrines are found in the Limi Valley, inhabited by the Bhote community. Halji is the biggest and most important village in Limi, and its centrally located Rinchhen Ling Gompa monastery built in ninth century is a must-see. It also comprises different facade statues are in the east, west, north and south. Buddhists regard these idols special.

Limi is connected to Tibet via road network. The road is occupied by trucks and tractors. Lapcha Pass is the spot in Nepal from where Lake Mansarovar is visible. The border post is open only seasonally for the inhabitants of Limi Valley to trade with Tibet.

Hilsa is another destination connecting Tibet. Today, pilgrims visiting Mansarovar fly from Nepalgunj to Simkot Airport. From there, a helicopter ride to Hilsa and further move towards Mansarovar.

People living in Limi source their food from Hilsa and Lapcha. To reach Limi, you have to walk four days from the headquarters of Simkot. Humla is not connected to the outside district by road network. However, jeep, truck and tractor move on the roads built inside the district.

Camping trek is popular in Limi valley and the best time to visit Limi is from mid-September to mid-November.


How to reach

      By road: Kathmandu - Nepalgunj 500 km, 10 hours by bus.

      By air: Kathmandu-Nepalgunj one hour flight. Nepalgunj-Simkot is 55 minutes flight. Limi Valley can be reached on a five day trek from Simkot.

लिमी भ्याली

उपल्लो हुम्लाको लिमी भ्यालीमा तीनवटा गाउँहरू छन्  तिल (३,७०० मि.), हाल्जी (३,६७० मि.) र जाङ (४,०७० मि.) । खोलाका किनारमा नाँगा पहाडको काखमा बसेका छन् गाउँ । झट्ट हेर्दा तिब्बती शैलीको भूबनोट देखिन्छ लिमीमा ।

भोटे समुदायको बसोबास रहेको लिमी भ्यालीमा प्राचीन गुम्बा, चैत्य र माने छन् । लिमी गाउँको हाल्जी गुम्बा नवौं शताब्दीमा बनेको मानिन्छ । गुम्बाभित्र बोधिसत्व नामबर नाङजेदका मूर्ति छन् । भिन्नभिन्न मुखडाका मूर्ति पूर्व, पश्चिम, उत्तर र दक्षिण चारै दिशामा छन् । तीनतले गुम्बाको भुइँतलामा रहेका मूर्तिलाई बौद्धमार्गीले विशेष महत्व दिन्छन् ।

तिब्बती सीमा लाप्चाबाट सडक सञ्जालले जोडिएको छ लिमी । त्यहाँ ट्रक र ट्र्याक्टर गुड्छन् । लाप्चाबाट तिब्बतमा रहेको मानसरोवर र कैलाश दर्शन गर्न सकिन्छ । लाप्चा क्षेत्रमा फराकिला पठार छन् ।

तिब्बतसँग जोडिएको अर्को नाका हो हिल्सा । अचेल मानसरोवर दर्शन गर्न जाने तीर्थालुहरू नेपालगन्जबाट सिमकोट विमानस्थल उड्छन्। त्यहाँबाट हेलिकोप्टरमा हिल्सा उडेर मानसरोवर प्रस्थान गर्छन् ।

लिमीका बासिन्दा हिल्सा र लाप्चा नाकाबाट खाद्यान्न ल्याउँछन् । लिमी पुग्न सदरमुकाम सिमीकोटबाट चार दिन हिंड्नुपर्छ । हुम्ला बाहिरी जिल्लाबाट सडक सञ्जालले जोडिएको छैन । तर जिल्लाभित्र खनिएका सडकमा जीप, ट्रक र ट्र्याक्टर गुड्छन् ।

लिमी भ्यालीमा क्याम्पिङ टे«क चल्छ । असोजकात्तिक लिमी घुम्ने उत्तम समय हो ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंबाट नेपालगन्जको दूरी ५०० कि.मि. छ । बसमा १० घण्टा लाग्छ भने हवाईजहाजमा १ घण्टा । नेपालगन्जसिमकोट ५५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । सिमकोटबाट पाँच दिन पदयात्रामा लिमी भ्याली पुगिन्छ ।



